Sans parler des chutes de framerates qui tuerait ma grand mère épileptique, du manque de scoreboard, des classes fourre tout qui sont casualisé à l'extrême il faudrait pas que le jeu soit trop compliqué non plus.du manque de punch des armes et de leurs bruit de pétard quand on tire avec. Parlons des maps beaucoup trop grandes même pour 128 joueurs où au final seulement 30% de la Map est optimisé et la destruction des décors elle est où ?.
#Cheat happens shufflepuck plus
J'ai acheté ce jeu pour jouer avec mes amis et Ho surprise impossible de jouer à plus de 4 dans un groupe pour des maps prévues pour 128 joueurs c'est finement pensé. Parlons des maps beaucoup trop grandes même pour 128 joueurs où au final seulement 30% de la Map est optimisé et la destruction des décors elle est Merci dice pour de m'avoir fait payer 70€ pour être un de vos beta testeur. Merci dice pour de m'avoir fait payer 70€ pour être un de vos beta testeur. I didn't believed game was so bad from reviews but after playing myself. Like they are not there, just tu turn around and kill me. Shooting enemies in torso and head FOR NO RESULT AT ALL. AA missiles that circles around planes and Heli but never hitting them.

Sniper scope that does not zoom in (I had to take it off and back on few times every few minutes to fix zooming). On my very first map, very first few minutes of gameplay i experienced around 6 bugs that actually interrupted my gameplay. Unbalanced, buggy and boring are the words that i can think of playing this game. I knew reviews were terrible, but i wanted to witness it with my own eyes, and HOLY S***. Sniper scope that does not Ok, this is just a disaster. So I've played Super Sprint (amazing), Vroom (very good, surprised me the sense of speed achieved in that game, had some great handling) and Archer Maclean's pool was good also, interestingly enough Shufflepuck Cafe made my Top 10 list.Ok, this is just a disaster. Metal Masters - (aka Metal Bastards in our neck of the woods) Big robot fighting game, tremendously satisfying and addictive. Super Sprint - Not exactly unknown! But the best version of the game on any platform Oids - Bought my first ST to play this, Dungeon Master and Carrier Command Simulcra - Another blast from the past that I remember playing the hell out of. Vroom - One of the greatest racing games of all time Typhoon Thompson - Bizzare shoot/collect-em-up.

Shuffle Puck Cafe - Air hokey made even more awesome But the Sawblade discs of tron knock-off game in there I used to play the hell out of Mad Show - Now I expect people won’t get me on this very French game. You’re a strange amphibian thing (frogish) with hand grenades. Millenium 2.2/Deuteros - One of the best resource management games out there and it’s sequelįlood - Absolute classic. Archer Maclean’s Pool (sister title to Jimmy White’s Snooker) - Unsurpassed Pool game to this dayĪrchipelagos - Remember me playing this a lot back in the day.